

To Donate go to: https://bit.ly/39toVns (BackABuddy is the platform used to collect donations)

A Minimum of R10 is all that is required.

QuaranTen Challenge

Terms & Conditions


1.       Payouts will work as follows. We’ll start a pay-out sprint twice a month. The fund will then go down to zero and we’ll start rebuilding it toward the start of the second pay-out sprint. Payout sprints will start around the 11th of each month, and then again around the 26th of each month.  


2.       The decision on who will receive a payout will vest with a CreditSmart panel of 4 people who will consider each submission on a case by case basis. Their decision is final. If you do not receive a payout in a specific sprint, your submission will remain eligible for consideration at later stage. We would like to assist every single consumer who has challenges, and if the funding is there, maybe we can.


3.       Pay-outs will have a ceiling of R5000 per payout. If a submission for assistance requires a payout of less than R5000 the value will be the lesser, which leaves the balance to be distributed to someone else in need.


4.       Payouts will be done directly to the credit provider for a specific account, or in case funds are needed to buy essential supplies the 1st option will be to buy a voucher from the specified supermarket or grocer which can be claimed at the store. In the scenario where the grocer cannot issue vouchers, the panel may consider doing a cash EFT or money send to the specified recipient of the payout.


5.       CreditSmart employees are not eligible for a payout, nor are their direct family members. They are however encouraged to participate in the challenge and contribute their R10 to the QuaranTen fund.


6.       VHT Attorneys will administer the payouts on behalf of CreditSmart. Back-a-Buddy is only the growdfunding platform used to make contributing as easy as possible. Once the fund has reached the target date for a payout sprint to start, Back-a-Buddy will transfer the funds into a VHT Attorneys trust account from where payments will be made.


7.       Payouts will be done within 24 hours after the funds have been transferred from Back-A-Buddy to the VHT Trust Account.


If you have any questions regarding the T&C please send and email to quaranten@crditsmart.co.za

Please go like our Facebook Page at Facebook/CreditSmartSA.



Contact Us

  • Address: 1st Floor, Fountain Square, 78 Kalkoen Street, Monument Park, Pretoria, 0181
  • Phone: 087 897 5989
  • Email: info@creditsmart.co.za
  • Office Hours: Mon – Fri / 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM