
Credit Report Package

Credit Report Package

A smart guy once said, “if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it”. The Credit Report is probably the most important tool at your disposal when wanting to take control of your debt and credit.

Did you know: You need a good credit profile score if you want to finance things like a house or a car.

The CreditSmart Credit Report will show you what is going on in your credit and debt life and enable you to manage your credit and debt more effectively.

CreditSmart offers you a monthly credit report, combined with some very smart interpretations of your situation and free tips on how to improve your credit profile. We’ll monitor and guide you as time goes by to ensure that you get to where you want to go with your credit profile.


Join Now and you get your first credit report absolutely free…  SIGN UP NOW

For R50 per month you get:

  • A Monthly Credit Report sent to your inbox or available for download
  • Free Analysis and Interpretation of your Credit Profile and Credit Score by one of our expert Debt Advisors
  • Free Tips & Tricks to improve your credit profile score
  • Waiver up to 100% of application fees when subscribing to any of our other services. T&C Apply.

Still wondering about our credit report package?

We have answered some general questions.


What is a credit report?

A credit report is a visual representation of your credit profile which is a record of how you have paid your debt obligations over the past 24 months.


Why is a credit report important?

Knowing what your credit profile looks like will improve how you manage your credit facilities and debt.


Why is a credit profile important when applying for credit?

If you have a poor credit profile score your application for credit will most likely be rejected. The rejection is also recorded on your credit
profile and reduces the score even further.


What does the law say about my credit profile?

You have the right to one free credit report per year as kindly provided for in the National Credit Act. If you have a poor credit record and you gain access
to further debt it can be considered reckless.

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