You need to know how your credit profile looks if you want to effectively improve and manage your credit profile and credit facilities
Immediately improve your cash flow and lower your debt installments through our debt review process.
Prescribed by the National Credit Act, debt counselling will ensure that your debt instalments are lowered so you can afford to pay your credit providers.
Insure your credit and debt against retrenchment, maternity leave, death, permanent or temporary disability, critical illness or ID theft.
What do our clients say
I was scared at first, but CreditSmart made the process easy and simple. I now pay what I can afford.
Keshni, Cape Town
Thanks to Debt review from CreditSmart I have regained control of my life. I’m debt free.
Simpiwe, Pretoria North
Thanks to the CreditSmart Credit Report Package I have managed to improve my credit profile, so I can buy a house.
Tobie, Fourways